ESP Biography
JI HUN WANG, Stanford Freshman, Computer Science / Linguistics
Major: Linguistics / Computer Science College/Employer: Stanford Year of Graduation: 2022 |
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Brief Biographical Sketch:
Ji Hun is a freshman at Stanford University, majoring in computer science and linguistics. Born in Seoul, South Korea, he spent his entire lifetime in Korea before matriculating at Stanford. He is fluent in Korean, English, Spanish, and Chinese, and he can also communicate in other languages including Brazilian Portuguese and Japanese. Ji Hun has an immense admiration for languages and different cultures, which has made him a traveler around the world, with a great love of encountering and experiencing new languages, foods, and people. His interest is wide and deep, and he always seeks for opportunities to challenge himself and internalize diverse concepts from countless disciplines. He plans to study not only linguistics and computer science, which he would declare as majors in the upcoming quarter, but also classics, mathematics, philosophy, and psychology. In 2017, he taught Latin at high school based on the lesson plans he organized, preparing for lectures and assignments, making tests and grading them, and providing feedback. It was an incredibly fun and enlightening experience! Furthermore, he has peer-tutored a variety of subjects, including AP courses. Continuing on this history, Ji Hun has joined Stanford Splash since his first quarter. He has a firm faith that the education of good quality can transform the world and make it a better place. He pursues opportunities to share his knowledge with his students and engage in diverse learning opportunities at all times. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)H7226: Natural Languages, Constructed Languages in Splash Spring 2019 (May. 04 - 05, 2019)
*Have you tried to make your own language?*
English, Spanish, German, Chinese... what do these languages have in common? For now, I want us to focus on one commonality: these languages have evolved naturally by human beings through use and repetition over time, hence "natural languages." There was no deliberate planning involved to create these languages!
But are all languages around us natural languages? Or, do all languages have to be natural languages?
This course aims to understand the fundamental rules of the languages that we use everyday. In our attempt to understand how natural languages work, we will apply the lessons from natural languages to create languages of our own. These languages are called "constructed languages," and they are artificially invented languages through deliberate planning. At the end of the day, your creativity and insights will create a basis for your new language (which perhaps can be a larger project!), and you will realize that languages have something mysterious, something in common...
H6773: Syntax: An Introduction in Splash Fall 2018 (Dec. 01 - 02, 2018)
(1) I sleep.
(2) *I sleeps.
Why is sentence (1) grammatically accurate while sentence (2) is grammatically inaccurate?
Syntax is a field of linguistics that deals with the structure of languages and the underlying rules behind such structure. Although we are often unaware of grammatical correctness while speaking and writing, we are in fact creating sentences that abide by certain rules. In other words, we are constantly considering syntax and incorporating it in our daily life.
In this class, we will explore and challenge our knowledge of languages, mostly at the sentence level. Our goal is to discuss syntax in a "professional" but fascinating manner with the following topics: syntax as a discipline, syntactic rules and theory of English, fancy syntax trees, syntax of languages all around the world, etc.
If you are interested in languages, want to learn about grammar in general, learn other languages easily, this class will definitely help you.