ESP Biography


Major: Chemistry

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Erin Gray

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

C6924: Sweet Science in Splash Spring 2019 (May. 04 - 05, 2019)
Come learn the fundamentals of chemistry using your favorite candies! Learn how Skittles, chocolate, and other treats can teach us about polarity, density, and solubility.

C6749: Sweet Science in Splash Fall 2018 (Dec. 01 - 02, 2018)
Come learn the fundamentals of chemistry using your favorite candies! Learn how Skittles, chocolate, and other treats can teach us about polarity, density, and solubility.

C6337: Sweet Science in Splash Spring 2018 (May. 05 - 06, 2018)
Come learn the fundamentals of chemistry using your favorite candies! Learn how Skittles, chocolate, and gum can teach us about density, solubility, and other concepts.

C6063: Sweet Science in Splash Fall 2017 (Nov. 11 - 12, 2017)
Come learn the fundamentals of chemistry using your favorite candies! Learn how marshmallows, chocolate, and gum can teach us about density, solubility, and other concepts.