ESP Biography

ALEXANDER KARR, Stanford freshman studying philosophy and C.S.

Major: Symbolic Systems

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Alexander Karr

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I was born in New York, and absolutely love my natal city, but I haven't felt a lick of homesickness since coming to Stanford. I'm super excited to teach some high school students about things that I care about!!!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H6842: A Clean Well-Lighted Place: Existentialist or Nihilist? in Splash Fall 2018 (Dec. 01 - 02, 2018)
This course examines Ernest Hemingway's short story, "A Clean Well-Lighted Place," from 1933. The tale will be the lens through which we explore greater questions of nihilism and existentialism. Upon first read, the story may seem overwhelmingly sad. We hope to push students beyond that initial barrier, and have a conversation about what gives us meaning in life.