ESP Biography

THUY-TIEN LE, MIT alum passionate about social justice

Major: Neuroscience

College/Employer: MIT alum

Year of Graduation: 2008

Picture of Thuy-Tien Le

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Born in Vietnam, grew up in San Jose, and went to college at MIT and Cambridge University. Majored in neuroscience, planning on going to medical school and additionally obtaining a Master's of Public Health or Public Policy. I believe religiously that everyone should have equal access to opportunities for education and health. In other random news, I speak English, French, Vietnamese, and a little Spanish. I love traveling, cooking, and jazz.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S360: Unnatural Causes: Discussions about Health, Equality, & Society in Splash! Spring 2009 (Apr. 04 - 05, 2009)
Why are people in low-income neighborhoods more likely to be overweight or obese? Why is the average black man's life expectancy lower than that of the average white woman's? Why is our health care system broken? What does equality mean, and can we ever really achieve it? What can we do, and why do we care?