ESP Biography

LUCY LI, Brain enthusiast (not a zombie)

Major: Symbolic Systems

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2018

Picture of Lucy Li

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Lucy Li is a Stanford undergraduate from Minnesota and likes poetry, bubble tea, photography, music, and writing novels.

Her accomplishments include falling off a two-story-high pole in the backyard of a co-op at MIT and winning her freshman dorm's San Francisco scavenger hunt.

She is interested in natural language processing, computational biology, and psycholinguistics.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

B4810: 20 Experiments about the Brain and Behavior That You Must Know: Beyond the Brain Bee in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 09 - 10, 2016)
How can we make good people do bad things? How does our brain "see" lines? What happens when the two sides of our brain fail to cooperate? Most importantly, if I were to time travel back in history, what experiments should I run to win a Nobel Prize and/or a permanent spot in a psychology or neuroscience textbook? Sponsored by the Stanford Brain Bee, this class provides a fast-paced overview of studies and experiments that have revolutionized what we know about the human brain and behavior.

B4503: 20 Experiments about the Brain and Behavior That You Must Know: Beyond the Brain Bee in Splash Fall 2015 (Nov. 07 - 08, 2015)
How can we make good people do bad things? How does our brain "see" lines? What happens when the two sides of our brain fail to cooperate? Most importantly, if I were to time travel back in history, what experiments should I run to win a Nobel Prize and/or a permanent spot in a psychology or neuroscience textbook? Sponsored by the Stanford Brain Bee, this class provides a fast-paced overview of studies and experiments that have revolutionized what we know about the human brain and behavior.

B4072: The Power of Memory: Beyond the Brain Bee in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 11 - 12, 2015)
What did you have for dinner exactly one year ago from today? What was the weather like? What day of the week was it? Chances are, unless you have hyperthymesia, you can't remember the answers to any of these questions. After a brief overview of how memory works, we'll explore the feats human memory can accomplish and even take a stroll through your own memory palace. You'll meet people like Louise Owen, who remembers details from every day of her life, Stephen Wiltshire, who can draw entire cities after a single helicopter ride, and Joshua Foer, who trained his memory for one year and accidentally won the USA Memory Championship.