ESP Biography

LILI HSU, Sophomore in Materials Science, child of the arts

Major: Materials Science

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2011

Picture of Lili Hsu

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

V1555: Kinetic Sculpture in Splash! Spring 2011 (Apr. 16 - 17, 2011)
Brief introduction to some famous artists who build kinetic sculptures (Calder, Arthur Ganson, Theo Jansen). Taking inspiration from these artists and their various approaches to moving structures and the (literal) motivation behind them, students will play with simple materials to create moving or interact-able structures that are either humorous, beautiful, or both. Along the way we will likely encounter some physics (since that's how the world works).

H403: Pastel Drawing in Splash! Spring 2009 (Apr. 04 - 05, 2009)
We'll cover some drawing and color theory basics, but most of the class will be spent experimenting with pastels and drawing from life. No drawing experience necessary!

H437: Figure Drawing in Splash! Spring 2009 (Apr. 04 - 05, 2009)
Introduction to figure drawing concentrating on capturing the shape and proportion of the human body