ESP Biography
JOSHUA YOON, 1st Year Graduate Student in Applied Physics
Major: Applied Physics College/Employer: Stanford Year of Graduation: 2019 |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
I am currently working for Professor Bianxiao Cui and working with heart cells and neurons. I graduated from Caltech with a physics degree and originally from Missouri, where I attended high school. Some of my hobbies include playing frisbee, cooking, and practicing guitar and violin. I love working with people! Don't hesitate asking me questions. Also, I am open to any kind of feedback! Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)P3307: Fun Physics Brain Teasers in Splash! Fall 2013 (Nov. 02 - 03, 2013)
You ever wonder why scientists do physics for fun? You can find out in this class! We'll be going over some classic physics brainteasers that have been around for ages and then move on to problems which require a little bit more creativity. So come join me in learning about the joys of solving physics problems that don't require so much of the math, but more of your intuition. So, just bring your heads and get ready for an awesome time!
Here's are two example problems that we'll be going over in class, just to give you an idea on what to expect from this class:
(1) A dinghy, with a passenger and an anchor, floats in a small pool. The passenger throws the anchor into the water. Will the water level in the pool increase, decrease, or stay the same?
(2) Are there more grains of salt in a salt mound than there are atoms in a single grain of salt?
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