ESP Biography

ELEANOR LIN, Stanford graduate student who hates paper cuts.

Major: iCME

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Eleanor Lin

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Eleanor was very bored one summer and started folding hyperbolic paraboloids out of uncut squares of free MIT printer paper. She made so many of them that she started gluing them together and made a icosahedron which got turned into a lamp. She is sad that she couldn't take the lamp with her to Stanford, so she decided to talk in the third person.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M2550: Grid Based Logic Puzzles in Splash! Fall 2012 (Nov. 03 - 04, 2012)
Do you like Sudoku? How about minesweeper? If you do, you might like some of these puzzles too. We will be going over the rules and some solving techniques for several grid based logic puzzles, including light-up, slitherlink, and nurikabe. These puzzles can be solved using a pencil and paper, and are an excellent way to excercise your mind.

M1818: Grid-based Logic Puzzles in Splash! Fall 2011 (Oct. 29 - 30, 2011)
In this class, we will introduce a set of three Grid-based Logic (Nikoli) Puzzles: Slitherlink (Fences), Light Up, and Nurikabe. We will cover the rules of each puzzle, and then introduce some solving techniques. If you like Sudoku, you'll probably like these puzzles too.

H1381: Hand-made Greeting Cards in Splash! Spring 2011 (Apr. 16 - 17, 2011)
Buying commercial card-making materials can get expensive quickly. We will teach you how to creatively use everyday materials to make thoughtful, personalized cards that look as good as ready-made kits. Come join us as we repurpose and recycle fabrics, ribbons, buttons, magazines, and other household supplies.

H999: Make a Greeting Card in Splash! Fall 2010 (Nov. 13 - 14, 2010)
Got a friend's birthday coming up? Want to make them a shiny handmade card? We will go through some of the basics of card making, and spend the rest of the time making cards. Supplies will be provided, and all you need to bring is your creativity.

H369: Modular Origami in Splash! Spring 2009 (Apr. 04 - 05, 2009)
We will start to take over the world by folding simple hyperbolic paraboloids (hypars). We will then assemble these pieces into more complex Platonic solids. Makes a great lampshade!

H141: Modular Origami in Splash! Fall 2008 (Oct. 18, 2008)
We will start to take over the world by folding simple hyperbolic paraboloids (hypars). We will then assemble these pieces into more complex Platonic solids. Makes a great lampshade!