ESP Biography

VICTOR VASQUEZ, Professional musician and storyteller

Major: Music

College/Employer: Santa Rosa Junior College

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Victor Vasquez

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Victor Vasquez can be found performing at various venues, including schools, Faires, living history events, the Soho Theater in London and the Folk on the Lawn Music Festival in the Wales... Victor enjoys playing a variety of folk fiddle and classical violin music. He has been a long time member of St Andrew's Noble Order of Royal Scots, a Renaissance Actors Guild. He's a member of and performs with the San Francisco Scottish Fiddlers. He's a music major at SRJC and plays violin with their orchestra. Victor is also an animated storyteller, sharing traditional tales from around the world as well as stories taken directly from the most fascinating source, history itself.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

V4508: Time Traveler's Tales and Tunes in Splash Fall 2015 (Nov. 07 - 08, 2015)
What did people do before television, video games and the internet? What about before the printing press? Learn about the life of the bard from a time traveler visiting from centuries past. Come prepared to enjoy traditional tales, music and song and join in the chorus. Each session will offer different tales and tunes from different periods and a places. Warning: Traditional tales are not always child friendly and values dissonance may occur. Please consult your apothecary, herbalist or kitchen witch to determine whether or not Time Traveler's Tales and Tunes is right for you.

V4179: Time Travelers Tales and Tunes in Splash Spring 2015 (Apr. 11 - 12, 2015)
What did people do before television, video games and the internet? What about before the printing press? Learn about the life of the bard from a time traveler visiting from centuries past. Come prepared to enjoy traditional tales, music and song and join in the chorus. Each session will offer different tales and tunes from different periods and a places. Warning: Traditional tales are not always child friendly and values dissonance may occur. Please consult your apothecary, herbalist or kitchen witch to determine whether or not Time Traveler's Tales and Tunes is right for you.

V3744: Time Traveler's Tales and Tunes in Splash Fall 2014 (Nov. 08 - 09, 2014)
What did people do before television, video games and the internet? What about before the printing press? Learn about the life of the bard from a time traveler visiting from centuries past. Come prepared to enjoy traditional tales, music and song and join in the chorus. Each session will offer different tales and tunes from different periods and places. Warning: Traditional tales are not always child friendly and values dissonance may occur. Please consult your apothecary, herbalist or kitchen witch to determine whether or not Time Traveler's Tales and Tunes is right for you.

V3061: Renaissance Revelry in Splash! Fall 2013 (Nov. 02 - 03, 2013)
What did people do before television, video games and the internet? Learn about the life of the bard from time travelers visiting from the 16th century. Come prepared to enjoy traditional tales, music and song and join us in the chorus. Warning: Traditional tales are not always child friendly and values dissonance may occur. Please consult your apothecary, herbalist or kitchen witch to determine whether or not Renaissance Revelry is right for you.

V2994: Renaissance Revelry in Splash! Spring 2013 (Apr. 13 - 14, 2013)
What did people do before television and video games? Learn about the life of a bard from 16th century visitors. Come prepared to enjoy traditional tales, music and song and join us in the chorus.