ESP Biography
TRACEY LIN, Stanford Senior Computer Science Major, Loves Cats
Major: Computer Science College/Employer: Stanford Year of Graduation: 2018 |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
I really like cats. I think they're super cute and fluffy and lovable. Unfortunately, people keep gifting me penguin stuffed animals which reinforces the image that I collect penguins, not cats. One day I will edit this biography to be more serious, but today is not that day. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)A6511: Cross-Step Waltz in Splash Spring 2018 (May. 05 - 06, 2018)
Come learn an easy-going partner dance!
Cross-step waltz developed during the early 20th century, evolving into an easy to learn yet endlessly innovative dance. Starting from the basics, students will learn a variety of different moves that they can show to their friends at home. No partner necessary!
M6004: Graph Algorithms in Splash Fall 2017 (Nov. 11 - 12, 2017)
In this class, we will learn about graphs and graph algorithms.
We will cover:
* What is a graph?
* A few graph algorithms
* Data structures necessary to implement graph algorithms
Then, students will implement some of the algorithms themselves using Python.
Possible algorithms we will cover are:
* Depth-First Search
* Breadth-First Search
* Djikstra's Algorithm
* A* Algorithm
* Kruskal's Algorithm